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This privacy policy is applicable to (Website, We, Us, skinX) and other services
that are offered by us on or through the website. skinX, having its registered company in Lagos,
Nigeria may use affiliates or reputable third party services for processing of personal data
collected on or through the website. By using or accessing our website, you are accepting the
practices described in this privacy policy.
This privacy statement discloses our policies regarding information we collect from you and how
we limit and protect the uses of that information.
In this Privacy Policy, references to “you” mean any person submitting any data to us or our
agent or the website.
Changes to Privacy Policy
We may change these policies from time to time. If any such changes materially and adversely
affect the use of your information, we will generally refer to such changes on the site for a period
of time, although our failure to do so will not affect the applicability of such changes.
Accordingly, we recommend that you check back to review these policies from time to time
particularly if you have not visited the site for some time. The most current version of the privacy
policy can be reviewed by clicking the “privacy policy” hypertext link located at the bottom of our
web pages.
Why We Collect Information
We collect and use personal details and other information to maintain the general and
personified content and functionality of the website. In addition, we collect and use personal
details to make it possible to accommodate your request and for processing your purchase on
the website and any possible later claims, and to provide you with our services.
Information We Collect and How We Collect It
Through your use of the website, we may obtain various types of basic contact and user
information such as your IP (or internet) address, your username, email address, and password,
phone number, home address, name etc.
The information we collect includes (among others) the following:
IP address, cookies and web beacons
When you visit our website, our servers automatically save your computer’s IP address. IP
addresses will be collected along with information about the actual web pages that you visit on
the website, the URL of the website you visited before coming to our Website and the URL of
any website you visit next will be collected.
In addition, we store certain information from your browser using cookies. A cookie is a piece of
data stored in a user’s computer and is tied to information about the user. We may use cookies,
web beacons (web bugs), or similar technologies to enhance and personalize your experience
on the website.
Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies, but you can reset your browsers to refuse all
cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. You can opt out of receiving cookies from
any website by resetting your browsers. However, some features and services may not function
properly if cookies are disabled.
We use other technologies like pixel tags and web beacons to track your use of our Website and
promotions, or we may allow our Third Party Service Providers to use them on our behalf. Pixel
tags and web beacons are tiny graphic images placed on certain pages on our Website, or in
our emails that allow us to determine whether you have performed a specific action. When you
access these pages or open or click an email, pixel tags and web beacons generate a
Non-Personally Identifiable notice of that action. Pixel tags allow us to measure and improve our
understanding of visitor traffic and behavior on our Website, as well as give us a way to
measure our promotions and performance. We may also utilize pixel tags and web beacons
provided by our Affiliates and/or Marketing Partners for the same purposes.
Personal data
When you register with us, you provide us with certain personal information, such as your name,
email address, home address, phone number etc. We may use your contact information to send
you offers based on your interests.
We only collect email addresses that were provided to us directly by you. Your email address
will only be used for the following purposes
a) Service emails (on updates, new design, new features, new products, offers etc.)
b) Administrative purposes, such as notification of violation of our terms of use
Without your approval, we will not:
a) Make your email address visible on the website
b) Use your email address for purposes other than those described in this privacy policy
c) Transfer your email address or other personal information to third parties, except in those
limited cases as described in this privacy policy
Combination of Personal Data
For optimizing our services and the websites, and for the purposes mentioned in this privacy
policy, we are entitled to combine your personal data (including your email address as
applicable) with other information about you collected by or provided to us.
How We Use Your Information
We generally use your information only to operate the site and make your experience more
efficient, effective and enjoyable.
As a general practice, we do not sell, rent or otherwise give user submitted information to any
other party, except in limited circumstances such as compliance with law or with your
permission, as noted below. Thus, we would not sell your name, email address or other
personal information to mass marketers. If skinX is acquired or becomes part of another
organization, we retain the right to transfer all exclusive control over that data to our new
operating entity.
Most uses we make of your information are for site administration of your use of the site, such
as processing and tracking of orders, diagnosing problems with our server, identification,
security and billing. We may also use this information to contact you for operational purposes,
such as notifying you of new products and promos.
We sometimes share aggregated data with some of our partners and for opinion and market
research. However, none of this information identifies you in any way without your consent. For
example, we may share data that shows that a certain percentage of our users buy a certain
product, but there would be no identification of specific users.
There are circumstances where we may need to provide individual information to others. For
example, we may disclose information if we, in good faith believe, it is necessary to identify,
contact or bring legal action against someone who is violating the terms and conditions of the
Website, breaking the law, causing injury to or interference with others or otherwise violating the
rights of others. We may also disclose information to the extent we believe in good faith it is
required by law or for administrative and other purposes we deem necessary to maintain,
service and improve our products and service. In all such circumstances, we will limit what
information we disclose to the extent we believe it to be appropriate.
We offer some services in connection with other websites. Personal information that you provide
to those sites may be sent to Us in order to deliver these services. We process such information
in accordance with this privacy policy.
We may also use third-party payment service providers (PSP), offering payment transaction
services to Us in order to sell a product or service through the website. You explicitly consent
that We may provide personal information collected from you to a PSP for the purpose of
offering payment transaction service whenever you buy something from the website and that
such PSP may use such data for (statistical) analysis of payment transactions. We shall be
allowed to notify a PSP regarding a user that engages in (or who a party believes has engaged
in) any activity that is illegal, that violates any person’s rights or that led to such user’s
suspension or termination of use of the Website.
Third-Party Service Providers
The Service of the website may be used in conjunction with services provided through a variety
of third parties. We may share personal information with these third parties to facilitate joint
services that you request where such services are provided by Us and a third party. These third
parties will use your personal information only for the purpose of providing such joint service.
We may also exchange information with third parties for the purposes of fraud protection and
credit risk reduction.
Links to Other Sites
On the website, there are links to other websites that may collect personally identifiable
information about you. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities
of those linked websites. Please consult the respective privacy policies of such websites for
more information.
We have stringent security measures in place to prevent misuse, alteration, loss of and
unauthorized or unlawful access to your information under our control. We use secure servers
with firewalls when we collect data through the Site and Secure Socket Layers (SSL) coding
when we collect debit or credit card details. These security measures make it hard for hackers
to decrypt your details but we cannot guarantee 100% security. You are strongly advised not to
send full credit or debit card details in unencrypted electronic communications with us. You are
responsible for protecting against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer.
By using the Site and/or submitting data to us, our agents and/or affiliates, you consent to our
use of your data in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy.
We provide all our users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving promotional/marketing related
communications after setting up an account. If you want to remove your contact information
from all our marketing lists, please send an email to hello[at]
Contact Information
Please contact us with any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy by email at

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia there live the blind texts.