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Add a New event Type

How to Add a New event Type? #

Classifying events into various types helps event organizers and website owners manage events more efficiently and systematically. It is a very useful option for those organizers who hold multiple events of different types. Events can be classified into multiple categories like meetings, conferences, classes and training etc.

  1. Go to WP-Admin >> Event Manager >> Event Type.Add A New Event Type
  2. Enter the name of the Type in the text box under the name.Wp Event Manager Name Of The Type
  3. Enter the preferred slug. The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name.Wp Event Manager Type Slug
  4. Select the parent event Type, if needed.
  5. Enter a brief description of the event type in the description box and click on Add new event type.Wp Event Manager Parent Event Type
  6. Finally, the list of all the event types can be seen on the right side of the dashboard.Wp Event Manager List Of All Types

How to edit & delete event type? #

WP Event Manager allows users to edit and delete event types for which you need to take the following steps:

  • Go to WP-Admin >> Event Manager >> Event Type.
  • The event types can be seen on the right side of the page.
  • Three options appear. Edit, Quick Edit, and Delete.
  • Click on Edit to edit the event type. Click Update to save the changes.
  • Click on Delete to delete the event type.

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